Converting a closed format like PDF into editable files, such as Office documents, without putting the original layout upside down has never been an easy task. iCareAll PDF Converter offers to transform your PDF files into Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and other text-based documents with the minimum possible loss of the original look-and-feel. Besides, it comes with a set of PDF management tools that will allow you to merge, split, decode, compress, and extract the images of the original PDF files easily.
Having acknowledged the intrinsic difficulties in turning PDF files into editable Office documents, it is time to accept that very few PDF converters are really capable of producing acceptable results, especially when it comes to preserving the original layout. iCareAll PDF Converter is, despite its efforts, no exception to this rule. The program’s PDF to Word, Excel, and HTML conversions produce, at best, mixed results. All the textual content is there for you to edit, but in a completely different layout – the more complex the appearance of the original file is, the higher are the chances that images, columns, boxes, tables, or footnotes may appear scattered throughout the new file’s layout.
Though Office to PDF conversions are not free of complexities, the results are usually more gratifying. Again, the more graphical and layout elements the original Office files have, the higher the chances that things go south. But where the program really shines is in all those conversion processes that deal with images. PDF to image, image(s) to PDF, image extraction, PPT to PDF or PDF to PowerPoint conversions produce excellent results. Actually, that was what PDF was invented for – to produce uneditable images of documents that could be printed anywhere with the same exact results.
iCareAll PDF Converter comes with 15 straightforward conversion and PDF management tasks. I missed some settings and options to try to minimize the unavoidable changes that – as noted – all these conversions usually go through. Except for PPDToPPT conversions, where you can choose the width and height of the PowerPoint slides, and IMGToPDF, where you can select to combine all images into one PDF file, all other conversion processes will be performed following the program’s internal settings for each format. PDF Split, Merge, Decode, Compress, and GetImg (extract images) complete those 15 menu options – a set of useful PDF management tools that you rarely see in other PDF converters.
iCareAll PDF Converter is both comprehensive and easy to use. I don’t think that one-click conversion processes with no output settings whatsoever is the best of approaches. Be it as it may, except for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML conversions, the program produces high-quality results in most of the other formats supported. Suffice it to say, that not even Adobe Acrobat Pro is capable of producing 100% perfect PDF to Office conversions.